Monday, October 01, 2007

Record Stores and Fan-tastic New Records!!

On my trip to Oregon in August, we visited 2 record stores with the limited time we had. On the first day, we hit up House of Records in Eugene, Oregon. Eugene is a small college town, like Davis with way too much pride for their university's sports teams, but whatever. Anyways, after the nine or so hour drive to Eugene, we dropped stuff off at the hotel room, and make our rounds. After downing some okay pizza at a college pizzaria, we innocently passed House of Records, a small, converted house with, as the title says, records, tapes and CDs. Barely glancing an eye at those shiny discs, we zip to the vinyl selection, where some dude is blocking the punk/indie S-compilations section, listening to a huge stack of records with his portable turntable. Meganerd! Their vinyl section had a strange set up- a smaller shelf on the right had new releases, starting with indie/punk and merging into surf, rock and roll and then another set of genres. On the right was a tall self, alphabetically, but mixed with a bunch of different genres, new and used records of popular, and independent artists across the spectrum. This set-up basically formed a very narrow vinyl aisle, where Andrew and I were among close quarters with portable turntable guy, some dudes talking about a "limited" Radiohead LP that I wanted to punch, an aggressive vinyl seeker, and some shy guy who would occasionally venture in, and then duck out.

My stash from here includes the Holly Golightly Singles Collection on double LP, (an import from Damaged Goods!!), a used Country Teasers Satan is Real Again... LP and a Flock of Seagulls collection (gotta have "Modern Love is Automatic", "Telecommunication" and "It's not me talking".)

The next day, after the short drive to Portland, my #1 place of visit is Green Noise, now run by Ken of Dirtnap Records fame. It's a punk/indie specific store with a good selection of new vinyl, some used stuff, and CDs. My list was pretty long here, as I slapped down nearly $100 as I can't control myself in such a good store. Among favorites are the new Eat collection on Alternative Tentacles, Eater, Realtors collection on Rave Up, and holy crap so many more, I can't even remember them all. They also have a cool section of books, zines and comix! I haven't even had time to listen to all my records from here yet.

Which leads me to current music favs:

In no order...

1) Holly Golightly - Singles Collection (Damaged Goods)
2) The Eat - It's not the Eat, its the Humidity (AT)
3) Digital Leather - Blow Machine (FDH)
4) Barracudas - Through the Mysts of Time (Bomp)

Nerdy geek-out fun!


Thanks to Andrew and Keith for pointing out my FDH spelling error. Thanks dudes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FDH put out the Digital Leather not DFH