Friday, March 23, 2007

Selling Records, Comix, Updates

First off, I have a bunch of new awesome records for sale, AND a new zine, so BUY UP! This stuff has put me back quite a bit, so BUY BUY BUY!
This includes the new BLACK TIME / HUSBANDS split 7", TRASHIES LPs and REMENBERS 7"s.

You can buy everything easily in the Out of Order Store through pay pal.

Also, I have started drawing alternative, autobiographical comix that are mostly about my massive record obsession, music, my friends and boyfriend and all sorts of weird stuff. Check 'em out here! (Or click on the comic below.)
I'm also way behind on posting radio playlists, which I'll hopefully finish later today, or this weekend. Keep up with the show right here!

Thanks for keeping up!


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